Lessons in Love #3

Year: 2022

Dimensions: 35cm x 75cm x 103cm 
Mass: 35kg - figure only
Total mass including base: 65kg

Selling Price: R175 000

'Lessons in Love #3' is a continuation of my 'Lessons in Love' series.

It blends my thematic interest in the 'What if?' question (choosing one's reality instead of following the predestined path) that I proposed in my series dealing with the Adam and Eve mythology, and the well-loved Swiss legend of William Tell. I have always loved that story: his defiance and courage inspired many to stand up for themselves.

In this piece, the figure is indeed an expert marks(wo)man – as was Tell.
She is strong, feminine, and capable. All her arrows have found their mark - all have apples. Now, there is only one arrow left. Will she use it?

The theme implies transition, change, courage, adaption, readiness and

In clay: