Sam's Sister & the Little Box of Happiness

                                                         Year: 2009
Bronze on White Caesar Stone
                                   Dimensions:   0.17m x 0.17m x 0.53m
                                                            Mass: 80kg
  Selling price: R175 000


This piece was made using two beautiful sisters as the models. Having few alternatives, the older sister took the younger one into her home and took care of her. The sculpture shows the two sisters back to back with the older sister holding onto ‘Sam’ in a protective manner. They are nude to show their femininity and their vulnerability. ‘The Little Box of Happiness’ is depicted below the bench that they are sitting is small and unopened. The bench is particularly robust to depict the stability Sam's sister provided for her. This story shows the resilience of human beings when they find themselves under adverse conditions.






 Cold Cast R 49 500